Tuesday 23 November 2010

My analysis of my college magazine.

In my media lesson, my aim was to create a successful college magazine front cover and contents page.  for my front cover i decided to choose a picture that will draw people in, and show the understanding of college life, my picture being used is a girl standing there with her college books. even though college life has a main advantage of meeting new people and becoming more of an adult, i take that into consideration, but overall people are here to get their education and make a success of themselves, this was the point i was getting across. The contents also shows the same idea, however has a lot more fun stuff, and students need a break from heavy studying 24/7.

while creating my magazine front cover and contents, i found it quite hard to get used to the software, in design i picked up quite easy, however i found photoshop confusing, i had to keep using photo shop as it would have been impossible to create a magazine front cover without photoshop. As i kept using the software, i was understanding it more, and picking up how to use the effects.

Looking at my magazine front cover, i think i used a wide range of colours and fonts, however as a disadvantage i think some of the colours clashed, and i should of thought through the colours more. the different range of fonts i thought worked well, as it can get a bit boring when its all the same font. i found the back ground colour i used for my front cover and content, is dark, as a positive note maybe i could next time maybe change to a more effective background.

On the contents page, the font is used isn't very good, as you can't understand what is written, also my page looks very plain and needs to add more things onto the page, as it doesn't look like it will attract students into reading the magazine.

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